1. How do I know if a device is single use?

Susol instruments are delivered as a sterile, single-use product and are ready for immediate use. Packaging will clearly indicate that the instruments are single-use, and should be disposed of properly, (typically in a sharps container), after use on an individual patient.

2. What does single-use mean?

As you know, reusable surgical instruments have been the clinical standard since the late 19th century, and as you probably also know, they require costly re-sterilization and have strict infection-control handling requirements once they’ve been used on a patient.
In response to this need in the clinical marketplace, Bailey Instruments used their 35+ years of reusable instrument design and manufacturing to blend the precision, reliability, and ergonomics of reusable instruments, with the convenience and compliance of a disposable instrument. Out of this decade-long struggle to combine these different benefits, Single-Use Solutions (Susol) was born.

Susol’s Single-use instruments are sterilized and individually packaged to be used on an individual patient during a single procedure, and then responsibly disposed of. They are delivered sterile and ready for immediate use, saving your staff time and money while also protecting the patient by lowering the risk of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI). While they have been the industry standard for over a century, reusable medical instruments have always held unnecessary risk for HAI, cross-contamination related events, and even surgical site infections (SSI). Replacing reusable medical devices and instruments with single-use devices and instruments, when possible, allows your valuable healthcare providers to focus their energy and resources on delivering quality healthcare to more patients at a lower risk, instead of being an SPD department.

3. Is Single patient the same as single use?

No. Unlike single-patient devices, single-use devices can never be reprocessed or reused. Single-patient devices can be reprocessed and used for multiple procedures on a single patient. Single-use devices and instruments are used on one individual patient during a single procedure and should be disposed of after use.

4. Why shouldn’t they be reused?

Over the years, serious incidents relating to reuse of single-use devices have occurred. Reuse can be unsafe because of risk of:

  • cross-infection — inability to clean and decontaminate due to design.
  • endotoxin reaction — excessive bacterial breakdown products, which cannot be adequately removed by cleaning.

Perhaps most importantly, if you reuse a single-use device against manufacturers recommendations, you may be legally liable for any product failure or patient injury resulting from such use.

5. Should I re-sterilize a single-use device?

Susol’s single-use instruments are delivered to you sterile and ready for immediate use. Single-use not be re-sterilized because:

  • Patient injury — device failure from reprocessing or reuse due to fatigue, material alteration and embrittlement.
  • Chemical burns or sensitization — residues from chemical decontamination agents used on materials not designed to be re-sterilized, such as single-use instruments, can remain and cause injury to your patients.
  • Most importantly, it’s not necessary. Susol’s revolutionary line of sterile single-use instruments mean less time and money needed for training, equipment and upkeep of sterilization protocols compared to reusables, all while lowering the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and the associated liability for your practice.